PROVCOM Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is to show the commitment of PROVCOM to protect the information you provide to us. This privacy policy applies to website, services and products that collect data and display these terms, as well as their offline product support services. Please read this privacy policy, services or features mentioned in this statement may not be available in all markets. and may change without prior notice.

Information We Collect

PROVCOM collects many kinds of information in order to operate effectively and provide you the best products, services and experiences we can. Some of this information you provide directly to us. Some information we get by web logging, cookies, and by observing how you interact with our products and services. Information collected by PROVCOM are treated with care and not disclosed to any third parties.
What we collect:

  • Registration: When you sign up to use our sites or services you may be required to provide information about yourself, such as your name, birthdate and email address, location, company information.
  • Signing in: To interact with some PROVCOM services and sites, you need to sign in using your email and password (refered to as PROVCOM ACCOUNT). by inserting your PROVCOM ACCOUNT information, you will be granted access to your account and preferences will change according to your selection.
  • Browsing Website and Use of Services: Information collected here are used to provide you the best service and ensure that the proper logging is available in case you report a problem or suggested enhansement to our websites and services. The information collected are (but not limited to) IP address, Browser, Location.
Information may be collected using cookies or web logging, or some logging feature if you are using some of our products.

Collected Information Use

PROVCOM will use collected information for services enhancements, personlization of products. These Information may be combined with the other information provided by other PROVCOM Services or products. This information will be used to help imporve PROVCOM Quality service, Contacting you in case you requested some updates or some renewal of your PROVCOM ACCOUNT.

Control of Your Information

PROVCOM grants you the right to change your PROVCOM ACCOUNT information at any time, such as changing password to prevent other people from accessing your PROVCOM ACCOUNT, modify your contact information, select preferences that you like.

Collection of Support Data

Some PROVCOM products and services will collect information on how its being used, the cases that happen, and some information that will be needed when a problem arised and you request support from PROVCOM to fix the issue.
Information that will be collected are (but not limited to) Software and Hardware, Logged user, IP address.

This privacy Policy may change over time, you are requested to be updated and always read it before you subscribe or use any PROVCOM service or products.

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